How To: Setup Notification Recipient and Update Apps in Business Central

In this video, Jenn Claridge, Vice President of ERP at Sabre Limited, explains how you can set up notification recipients and schedule updates for apps in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. These steps are crucial to keep up with new Microsoft updates to ensure optimal app performance.

Managing Notification Recipients

Accessing the admin center in Business Central is key, but remember, this area is typically restricted to administrators or IT personnel. From here, you can manage notification recipients and other critical functions.

Adding a notification recipient is straightforward. Simply input their name and email address, and they’ll be informed about scheduled updates and their outcomes. It’s wise to designate one or two individuals within your organization, along with your Business Central partner, if applicable.

Once notification recipients are set, you’ll receive emails about upcoming updates based on your specified dates. This ensures everyone stays informed and prepared for any changes.

Updating Apps in Business Central

Now, let’s talk about updating cadence. You have the flexibility to choose how frequently your apps are updated with minor, major, or both types of updates. This setting can be adjusted per environment, ensuring flexibility and control over your update process.

Managing app updates manually is also possible. You can view all installed extensions from AppSource, check for updates, and schedule them as needed. This ensures your apps are always up-to-date with the latest features and fixes.


In conclusion, mastering these steps ensures your Business Central setup remains optimized and ready for Microsoft’s updates.

To learn more about Sabre Production and Business Central, reach out to us at Sabre Limited.

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