Top Cloud Manufacturing ERP for Small Businesses in 2024

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Recently, I wanted to do a little research on what independent resources were saying about Business Central, the product that we sell at Sabre Limited. I decided to search for ‘Top Cloud Manufacturing ERP for Small Business’ to see what came up, and I was pleasantly surprised to find Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP systems frequently—almost always—appearing in the top 10 lists of the best ERP systems.

Business Central has always been my top choice for a cloud-based ERP system, so it was great to see its popularity reflected in these lists.

As I browsed through the reviews and top 10 lists, I noticed several ERP names coming up consistently. This sparked an idea: instead of subjectively analyzing the reviews, why not take a more data-driven and scientific approach and see how many times each ERP appeared in a ‘Top Cloud ERP’ list?

This article summarizes those findings.

Based on my research, the top cloud manufacturing ERP for small businesses include:

  • Acumatica
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
  • NetSuite
  • SAP Business One
  • Odoo

Now, let’s find out my method, sources, and why those ERPs show up consistently in top cloud manufacturing ERP lists.

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Top Cloud Manufacturing ERP

Small Business Cloud ERP

I wanted to say two things before I dive into this list.

One thing that I am going to try and focus on are Small Business ERP systems – sometimes called “Mid-Market” as well. By “Small Business ERP” I mean that they are priced appropriately for the entry-level ERP customer. Some ERP systems can cost over a million dollars just for a basic implementation, and I don’t consider those to be Small Business solutions. I’m looking for options that would reasonably cost less than $250,000 USD for implementation in the first year. I will use my experience to try and filter out ERP that are not truly Small Business by this definition.

The second thing is that I am going to focus on Cloud ERP. There are ERP systems that are good for Small Business but are not truly Cloud ERP. For a system to qualify as Cloud ERP, I believe it should meet these criteria:

  • The ERP runs in a browser or purpose built thin-client on PC, Mobile and Tablet devices.
  • The ERP is hosted by the vendor in a “serverless” manner.
  • The ERP supports a platform where 3rd parties can add “apps” through a “store” model in an open marketplace/Appstore.
  • Upgrades to the ERP are seamless and automated.

My personal belief is that Cloud ERP have to satisfy these four conditions and so I will highlight ERP that I am not sure about or clearly are not cloud — I’ll keep them on the list, but just provide the warning.

Manufacturing ERP for Small Business

My Method to Find the Top Cloud Manufacturing ERP Systems

As I mentioned before, I wanted a methodology that was somewhat scientific and not too subjective. The approach of searching for lists and then tallying up how many times each ERP appeared seemed best. I was thinking about using a “points system” depending on their rank (1st place was worth more points than 10th place). I decided not to do this as some lists don’t provide ranks at all.


This entire process began with me looking at how arms length people reviewed Business Central. During this process I found a lot of good top lists of small business ERP. It was also necessary that the list mentioned manufacturing. It didn’t need to be a manufacturing specific list, but it had to be either generic (best generic ERP list was ok) or manufacturing specific. I would exclude lists that were focused on another industry (best construction ERP would be skipped).

Resellers of ERP – Excluded: If a source clearly appeared to be from a a reseller of one of the ERP systems, I excluded it. That might not be fair (after all, you are reading such as list from a reseller of Business Central) but it made sense.

Aggregation Lists – Included: I was on the fence about aggregation lists (where ERP companies might self-list ) but I decided to include them. Users are able to leave feedback and reviews, so I assessed weather there were a reasonable number of these end-user rankings and if so included it.

Consultants – Included: Businesses who specifically help select ERP systems were a frequent source. Also general lists on LinkedIn or other public sources that seemed to be from consultants were included.

Social MediaIncluded: Lists that came from general social media (eg: the Reddit list) was included as a “crowd-sourced” list.

Publication/News – Included: PC Magazine and Forbes are examples of this. Some kind of list from a site with editorial management.

Top Small Business Cloud ERP Lists and Breakdown

Below is a screenshot of the top cloud manufacturing ERP systems. In the left column we can see the different ERP products, beside it are the totals, and all of the checkmarks and X’s reflect whether or not they appeared anywhere in the top ten on that website’s list.

Best Cloud Manufacturing ERP

For a better idea of the lists or to check them out yourself, here are the top 10 lists that I used for this process, along with a note about each.

All Top SMB Manufacturing ERP Lists

The List of the 5 Best Cloud Manufacturing ERP Systems

Based on the appearances on the 12 lists cited above, here is the Top Cloud Manufacturing ERP Systems for Small Businesses.

Top Cloud Manufacturing ERP Systems for Small Businesses

No 1. Acumatica and Dynamics 365 Business Central (Tied for Best Cloud Manufacturing ERP) – 11 out of 12 Appearances

Both Acumatica and Dynamics 365 Business Central appeared on 11 out of the 12 lists. I have heard good things about Acumatica and it’s manufacturing capabilities. I am confident both systems satisfy the Cloud ERP definition that I gave above. I’m not surprised by this result as these are the two products that I hear about the most in my practice. Any customer looking at Cloud ERP should be considering these 2 products.

No 3. NetSuite – 9 out of 12 Appearances

NetSuite comes in position 3 with 9 appearances on the lists. I am seeing NetSuite push up towards larger target customers, and as such it might be moving out of the small business space. I was a bit surprised (to be honest) that it didn’t appear on all 12 lists, as it is definitely one of the most talked about ERP today. NetSuite (Like the previous 2 products) is definitely a 100% cloud ERP solution. This should definitely be a product considered in any cloud ERP project.

For a deep comparison, read our article on Business Central vs NetSuite for small to medium sized manufacturers.

No 4. SAP Business One – 8 out of 12 Appearances

I was frankly surprised to see SAP Business One on the list. It has some elements of a cloud ERP – but it is an older technology platform, and I was pretty sure it was not a fully cloud solution. It may be that companies know of SAP HANA (the “Big SAP”) and assume SAP Business One is just a cheaper version (it is not). I recommend people consider and do some research into SAP Business One if they are looking for a Cloud ERP.

If SAP Business One is in your list of potential ERP systems, you should read about the key differences between Business Central and SAP Business One. There are quite a few differences when it comes to pricing, reporting, and implementation.

No 5. Oodo – 7 out of 12 Appearances

Oodo is a native cloud ERP system priced for the small business. It definitely has it’s place in an ERP selection, but might be too entry level for customers who need the power of the other Top 5 list members. I had a meeting with folks from Oodo recently, and although it has many good features and functions, it was too limited for the types of manufacturing companies that Sabre works with.

We previously wrote an article comparing Odoo vs Business Central, specifically for manufacturing companies. It’s a great read if you’re looking to compare the two cloud ERP systems.

Other ERP Systems of Note

There were 3 ERP systems that had at least 5 appearances on the list. These others were Epicor, Sage Intacct and Syspro. Sage Intacct is a native cloud ERP by my definition. Epicor and Syspro are older on-premise technologies that can be hosted in the cloud using windows remote desktop – however they are not native cloud systems.

There were 2 products that appeared 3 times on the list. One was Quick Books. I don’t consider Quick Books to be an ERP system – but it is a native cloud accounting system. The other was Infor CloudSuite aka Siteline. Infor specializes in manufacturing ERP only, so it was not surprising this system was not on all the lists (there were many lists that were more generic). I am unsure if it satisfies all my definitions of native cloud. From what I know the CloudSuite product does not have an Appstore model as Infor operates a closed marketplace.


As I dug into the top cloud manufacturing ERP systems for small businesses, it was exciting to see Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central consistently ranked among the best. This didn’t come as a surprise, but it was still great to see that Business Central, a solution we strongly believe in at Sabre Limited, is widely recognized in the industry.

The goal of my research was to take a step back and look at the broader landscape—beyond just our own experiences and opinions—by analyzing multiple top lists from various sources. What stood out was that Acumatica and Dynamics 365 Business Central were almost always on these lists, making them top contenders for any small business considering a cloud-based ERP solution.

At Sabre Limited, we are experts in Business Central for manufacturing. Our team is here to help you optimize your operations, streamline your processes, and ensure that your ERP system truly supports your business goals. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you make the most of your ERP investment with Business Central.

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