Learn About the Benefits of Implementing Dynamics 365 CRM and Business Central

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We know finding the right solution for your business is important. By using Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM, you enable a comprehensive solution that will help optimize various business functions under a single system. Microsoft Dynamics 365 is an end-to-end solution that consists of both a CRM and ERP platform designed to provide companies with several productivity tools to increase efficiency in the workplace.

By having an integrated CRM and ERP solution under the Microsoft banner, it will open more capabilities compared to using a different CRM solution with manufacturing in Business Central. This blog will help outline the benefits of implementing them as a cohesive system and what it can do to simplify and diversify your existing business practices.

If you don’t already know the differences, you should read my article about the key differences between ERP vs CRM.

What is Dynamics 365 CRM?

Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM (Customer Relationship Management) focuses on streamlining administrative processes in your sales, marketing, and customer service applications. It allows businesses to close more deals effectively and improve customer relationships.

What is Dynamics 365 Business Central

Business Central is an ERP (Enterprise Resource Management) solution software that allows small and medium-sized organizations to automate and streamline their business processes. Business Central allows companies to manage all aspects of their business including finance, manufacturing, sales, supply chain, project management, and more.

What is Dynamics 365 Business Central 2

Benefits to Implementing Dynamics 365 CRM and Business Central Together

Personalized Software

With Dynamics 365 CRM, you can tailor the software to suit your needs. This makes tasks and functions easy to find, leading to better ease of use that can be modified based on your organization’s needs.

Compared to other ERP solutions, Business Central supports larger, more complex organizations including those that require the ability to manage multi-companies and multi-currencies in a single environment. It also has mobile app capabilities, so your data can be accessed across multiple platforms. A great benefit of implementing Dynamics 365 is being able to personalize your software that suits your needs while also having several connection points available to access your business.

Connecting you Business Data

By connecting Dynamics 365 to Microsoft Cloud, it can help users leverage tools such as Microsoft Excel, Outlook, and LinkedIn to their advantage. Pairing Dynamics 365 to LinkedIn Sales Insights gives users more reliable data within CRM, making sales planning easier and enables salespeople to transform forecasting.

The integration between both systems allows salespeople can access information in Business Central while working in Dynamics 365. For example, when preparing a sales quote, it may be useful to know how much inventory you will need for the order. A huge benefit to having an integrated system is that the information is always up-to-date and accurate across both platforms.

Alternatively, if a company uses a third-party CRM platform with Business Central, they lose that ability and will have to constantly update the data because the systems are separated. With a fully implemented system, users can see the same information regardless of what is being accessed. There are no duplicates, but rather a single version that reduces the chance of business errors and misread data.

In BC, you can rely on rigid setups and controls with your data. It ensures that all entries have proper accounting and audit capabilities, safeguarded with role-based security, and configurable application controls, which prevent invalid or duplicate data. This is especially important with the move to an on-cloud solution like Business Central, as having control and security regarding your important information is essential. Not only can you access several tools within Dynamics 365 to enhance your data collection, but you can also feel comfortable knowing that your legacy data will be transferred properly once implemented.

Prioritize Hard Leads

Dynamics CRM allows you to keep track of customer interactions throughout the sales cycle. By using CRM to create a comprehensive contact list, businesses can engage with potential leads more effectively. You can build a pipeline of hard leads that can be converted into wins through personalized engagement and sales strategy to find the right prospects and customers.

The ability to consolidate the data between CRM and Business Central lets companies showcase key data across various departments that are important to addressing the customer’s needs. Departments and business functions can stop operating in silos and share information that can not only benefit specific teams, but also the whole company. Connecting BC with CRM creates an information flow that is streamlined right from initial prospect interactions through to client invoicing and analysis.

Within BC specifically, using the information stored from your contacts can be used to target them for campaigns. The more informed a company can be about its different suppliers, prospects, and clients through both systems, the better the experience for both parties. This leads to better interactions and customer service. The ability to interact specifically with potential customers throughout the sales process ensures businesses are staying consistent and are achieving higher win rates and closed deals.

Contact Management

Using Dynamics 365 to manage contacts is beneficial for centralizing the data under a unified platform. In CRM, categorizing and personalizing the user experience through AI is built into the software to keep track of analytics and create customer journeys.

Advanced CRM

If you are a customer who needs advanced CRM capabilities, especially customization and integrations with other systems, then Sabre recommends contacting advanced CRM experts like those at CRM Dynamics.

Interested to learn more about Dynamics 365 CRM? Contact our the CRM Dynamics experts today.

Choosing Business Central

If you are looking for a partner to help you with implementing Business Central, especially in manufacturing or supply chain settings, then contact Sabre Limited and one of our experts can help you today. Feel free to give us a call at (519) 585-7524

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